What Subway Station is Closest to Scotiabank Arena

What Subway Station is Closest to Scotiabank Arena?

Here is the complete Details of what Subway Station is Closest to Scotiabank Arena:

  • Queen has a 4.2-star rating on Google Maps
  • Union Station has a 4.2-star rating on Google Maps
  • College Station has a 3.6-star rating on Google Maps
  • St Andrew has a 4.2-star rating on Google Maps
  • Osgoode has a 4.3-star rating on Google Maps

Getting to Scotiabank Arena in Toronto by Public Transit

Scotiabank Arena is easily accessible by public transit, thanks to its proximity to Union Station. Here’s a breakdown of the available options:

Closest Stations:

  • Subway: Union Station (2 min walk) – Yonge-University line (1)
  • Train: Union Station (4 min walk) – Various lines (BR, KI, LE, LW, MI)
  • Up Express: Union Station (6 min walk) – UP line
  • Bus: Bay St at Lake Shore Blvd W (2 min walk) – Multiple lines including 19, 72B, 320
  • Other Bus Stops: Union Station Bus Terminal (3 min walk), Toronto Union Station (3 min walk) – Many routes

Finding Directions:

You can use Moovit https://m.moovitapp.com/ to find step-by-step directions with maps, arrival times, and schedules. Enter your starting point and Scotiabank Arena as your destination.


The fare for public transit in Toronto varies depending on the type of ticket you purchase. You can find fare information on the Moovit app.

Additional Information:

  • The first train (UP) arrives at Union Station around 4:55 AM.
  • The last train (VIA RAIL) arrives at Union Station around 11:22 PM.
  • Similarly, you can find the first and last bus timings on the Moovit app.
  • The address for Scotiabank Arena is Lake Shore Boulevard West in Toronto.


What subway station is Scotiabank Arena on?

Scotiabank Arena isn’t directly connected to a subway station, but the nearest station is Union Station, which is a short 4-minute walk away.

What go train stops for Scotiabank Arena?

GO Trains do stop at Union Station, so you can take a GO Train and then walk to the arena. There is also an underground connection between Union Station and Scotiabank Arena through the Bay Concourse and the Bay Street Bridge. This sheltered walkway allows you to get from the GO Train station to the arena without going outside.

Can you walk underground to Scotiabank Arena?

Yes, you can walk underground to Scotiabank Arena through Toronto’s PATH system. This network of pedestrian tunnels connects many buildings in downtown Toronto, including the arena.

How do I get into Scotiabank Arena?

There are three main ways to get into Scotiabank Arena:
By Ticket: Have a valid ticket for the event you’re attending. The preferred entry gate will be listed on your ticket, but you can use the shortest line at any gate (except Gate 1, which is currently closed).
By Location: Take public transport (TTC) to Union Station and follow the indoor connection to Scotiabank Arena. You can also drive and follow directions based on which highway you’re coming from (Gardiner Expressway or Don Valley Parkway) to reach the arena located at the corner of Bay St and Lakeshore Blvd E.